I'm Not On Time
Lyrics by Cory Smith, music by Neil Diamond (Sweet Caroline)
When it began, I can’t begin to know, but
When it began, I can’t begin to know, but
Lately it seems it’s gotten worse
Lately it seems it’s gotten worse
I show up late
I show up late
To every single meeting
To every single meeting
Is it a habit or a curse?
Is it a habit or a curse?
“best laid plans”
“best laid plans”
“got delayed”
“got delayed”
“missed the boat”
“missed the boat”
Not today!
Not today!
Sweet! I’m on time!
Sweet! I’m on time!
Unexpected, yes, I know
Unexpected, yes, I know
Wait, never mind
Wait, never mind
Cause my watch is running slow, oh shuzzbutt!
Cause my watch is running slow, oh shuzzbutt!
The other night, I went to see a movie
The other night, I went to see a movie
Wanted to see the trailers too
Wanted to see the trailers too
Dawdled around
Dawdled around
Bet you can guess what happened
Bet you can guess what happened
Didn’t arrive, till they were through
Didn’t arrive, till they were through
can’t be late
can’t be late
one last chance
one last chance
I’ve arrived
I’ve arrived
time to spare!
time to spare!
Sweet! I’m on time!
Sweet! I’m on time!
And I’ve checked, my watch is right
And I’ve checked, my watch is right
Wait, never mind
Wait, never mind
It started earlier tonight, oh corn nuts!
It started earlier tonight, oh corn nuts!
Sweet! I’m on time!
Sweet! I’m on time!
For the ending of this song
For the ending of this song
Wait, never mind
Wait, never mind
[music stops]
[music stops]
I’m too late, I got it wrong, oh horse pucky!
I’m too late, I got it wrong, oh horse pucky!