Pretty Hungry

Lyrics by Cory Smith, music by Roy Orbison (Pretty Woman)

Pretty hungry, I get this way

Pretty hungry, every first Sunday 

Pretty hungry, this song’s about how, my stomach feels

Each time I try to skip two meals


Pretty hungry, [stomach noise] oh, pardon me

Pretty hungry, I couldn’t help it, you see

Pretty hungry, our stomachs do that, when empty

just Google “bor-bo-ryg-mi”

[Roy Orbison gurgle noise]

Funny how the lack of food

puts me in a “hangry” mood 

and I feel like chopping off, some heads

Usually on the night before

I eat three portions or more

Cause I like to start out overfed

To help time pass, I take some naps

I dream of pork bites, and bacon wraps

Pretty hungry, one hour more

Then it will have, been twenty four

How’d that one guy - do 40 days? hey, OK

I haven’t left my chair, all day

I’m in a highly fragile state

Too weak to sing this song, but wait,

What do I smell? 

And was that the di-nner bell?  

Yeah, I heard the di-nner bell. 

Oh-ho, pretty hungry!